Top 10 expensive dog breed in the world

1. Samoyed – between $4,000 and $10,000
This breed gets its name from Siberia's Samoyedic tribe that originally trained this dog to reindeer herds and pull sleds.Thus, the Samoyed can be compared to breeds that thrive in cold climates like Siberian Huskies.Male Samoyeds can grow to a weight of up to 66 pounds.It's a strong and tough dog by nature, but with a warm and friendly temperament.Since it is known that the hair of this dog breed has hypoallergenic properties, its shed hair is used in some parts of the world to make knit scarves and gloves.

2. Tibetan Mastiff – up to $7,000

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of China and Nepal's largest dog breeds with origins.It can grow to a height of up to 33 inches and weigh about 160 pounds.This dog was originally trained against wolves and leopards to protect homes and flocks.The Tibetan mastiff is by nature strong-willed and stubborn, and therefore hard to train.A red-colored, rare Tibetan Mastiff was purchased in China in 2013 for $ 1.9 million.

3. Pharaoh Hound – up to $6,500

The Pharaoh Hound is not Egypt's national dog, but Malta's.This dog has royal appearance, athletic construction, and good intelligence.When it gets excited or happy, its ears and nose start blushing.The Hound Pharaoh has a reddish coat that can grow to weigh about 55 pounds.Females can be about 21 inches tall, and males about 25 inches tall.This breed is by nature independent and stubborn, so it can be difficult to train.

4. Rottweiler – up to $6,000

Originally, the Rottweiler was trained by butchers to market carts filled with meat.That's why they're called the dogs of the butcher.They have also been used to protect and stockpile herding.The Rottweiler is a powerful and smart dog.It can grow to weigh about 130 pounds and protect its owner from enemies fearlessly.They need to be trained early because they are protective about their territory.While Hollywood has made the Rottweiler look like an aggressive and violent breed, with enough love and training, it can actually become a good family pet.

5. Akita – around $4,500

The Akita has become famous because it has been featured in many Hollywood films and has recently been widely recognized by a popular "doge meme."There are two variations of this breed in northern Japan: Japanese and American.The more expensive the purebred Japanese variety.The looks and temperament of the Akita are similar to the Husky of Siberia.It is a heavy dog with a large head and a thick double coat, making it an appropriate pet for cold climates.It is a heavy dog with a large head and a thick double coat, making it an appropriate pet for cold climates.They are also fastidious after eating to clean themselves, much like cats.

6. Azawakh – above $3,000

The Azawakh is one of the few rare African breeds available for purchase in the United States and Canada.The Azawakh was originally born and trained by African nomadic tribes for hunting and guarding.It can run faster than a greyhound, reaching speeds of up to 40 mph.The Azawakh has been trained to hunt fast-running animals such as gazelles and hares for this reason.It's a brave dog capable of chasing even bigger animals away.Usually this lean and tall breed has a sandy or brown color and needs the owner to be happy with plenty of exercise plus love.

7. Lowchen – more than $3,000

The Lowchen means “little lion” in German. They are small dogs growing up to only about 14 inches and weighing about 18 pounds (males). The Lowchen is a rare dog and only a few hundred puppies go for sale each year at kennel clubs worldwide. This breed was the best friend of royals in medieval Germany and France in the past. Dog of this breed are playful and friendly by nature, and love being in human company. They like children a lot so they may be a perfect companion for your kids.

8. Peruvian Inca Orchid – up to $3,000

This breed looks extremely strange as it is totally hairless but on the head and feet for a few random hairs.Its skin color is usually chocolate brown or copper-gray elephant with rare variations.The legs are mottled in some dogs or they have spots on them.The Peruvian Inca Orchid ranges from a small nine pounds to a heavier 55 pounds in three sizes.Because it is hairless, the skin of this breed needs to be carefully protected from sunburn and clogged pores.You'd have to invest in thick doggie coats during the winter to keep this dog warm.

9. Saluki – about $2,500

The Saluki is also known as Egypt's Royal Dog.They've been the best friends of man since the Pharaohs ' days.The Saluki is known to have been used by merchants on the ancient Chinese Silk Route as well as hunters chasing gazelles and hares, making it one of the oldest domesticated dog breeds.The Saluki is a long, tall, slim dog with a weight of up to 60 pounds.In nature, it's independent and aloof.The Saluki also needs a lot of exercise, so it's a breed for active people who won't pamper their dog constantly at home.

10. Czechoslovakian Vlcak – up to $1,400

The Vlcak was created by mating Carpathian wolves with German Shepherds, also called the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog.You may have to travel to the Czech Republic all the way to get one, as the Vlcak is mostly only available there.This dog looks like a wolf and has a personality that is active and lively.It's a very social dog that can be trained to live with a family early on.The Vlcak rarely barks and is a body language reader expert.